Friday, 24 June 2011

Days 2 & 3


Right, so Tuesday ended up with Katherine and I chilling in a park and walking around a nice area of Roma for about 3 hours. and then eating dinner at Alfredo's house with his family which was nice. The dad is the only one who doesn't speak english but through loads of hand gestures and other people translating we can understand what each other is saying. I have noticed that since Tuesday my italian is definitely improving (thank goodness!). I can actually understand a lot of what is going on around me and I can now reply which is nice. 

Mine and Katherine's Route around Rome

Wednesday was our biggest day in Rome. Katherine and I basically did all the tourist destinations in one day! We started at the Colosseum and then walked around the Circo Massimo, which used to be a horse racing track. Katherine and I then got really lost and after walking up a huge hill we got a brilliant view of ancient Rome. 

We then walked through through various Piazza's and down the main road of Rome "Via del Corso" before finishing in a HUGE park for lunch. After lunch we went to the Spanish Steps, the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, La bocca di Verita (Mouth of Truth), we stopped for gelato near the Pantheon and went to more Piazzas. Rome is a combination of old buildings with Modern insides. 

The Roman traffic is actually insane. I have never been so nervous in a car ever. They have no regard for road rules - parking where ever they want, over taking on busy roads, speeding at ridiculous speeds and the beeping and swearing is terribly common haha and honestly, every 10 minutes you hear an ambulance weaving thoughout the various cars on the streets. As well, All the cars are tiny. Like our Honda Jazz seems big compared to their mini cars and every second vehicle is a motor bike. 

We eventually got home at about 6pm after walking around for nearly 7 hours in 40 degree heat. As you can imagine I am now very sun burnt haha.

Today was more of a chilled day after Wednesday. Katherine and I hung out at Alfredo's house fort he majority of the day. Alfredo and Ivano had maths exams so we just played cards, booked more accommodation and watched a wedding in the church next door. 

Last night we then went out to a pub with Alfredo and his friends. It was terribly amusing watching them show off. It reminded me of when a 5 year old shows off for older girls by making fun of each other - It had Katherine and me in hysterics . When we were chatting between the two of us... we realised that no one could actually understand us because we'd either speak too quickly or speak in a mixture of aussie colloqualisms that no one else bar us could understand. 

There is a huge fashion difference between the italian girls and us. With us in our dresses last night (casual but smart haha) we stood out like two sore thumbs before we even opened our mouths. Was terribly amusing. Everyone else was in short shorts and tight t-shirts and sneakers. 

The weather is amazing. It is between 25 and 40 degrees throughout the day. When we went out at about 9:30 it was still sunny and it was still 28 degrees!!

So I suppose that is all that has been happening... Today is our last day in Rome and tonight Katherine and I are going out with Alfredo and his friends again to "go dancing" as they say, which should be a lot of fun. 
Tomorrow morning we have to be at the airport at 6:40am to fly to Athens tomorrow. I shall update later!

A domani, 



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